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June 20 – USWNT v Sweden : 2019 France Trip Memories

Cute little kid at the game, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

Game Day

There was enough interest in getting fans from Paris out to Le Havre to see the US Women’s Nation team play Sweden that they added another train. They even hauled out these standing cut-outs of soccer people to greet us as we boarded – according to the old French guys that got stuck riding with us: this was a slow slow train. Slow. We didn’t care so long as we got to the game in time… which we did.

The Soccer Train to Le Havre from Paris, June 20, 2019
The Soccer Train to Le Havre from Paris, June 20, 2019

Le Stade Océane appeared through the train window, and like that we were charged up for the game.

Stade Océane, Le Havre, France, June 20, 2019
Stade Océane, Le Havre, France, June 20, 2019

We had great seats again, looking down the goal line at Tobin Heath’s part of the field. USWNT v Sweden is always contentious, this game assured their positions in the first and second places in Group F. Sweden would have had to clobber the USWNT to gain first place since the standings after the US played Thailand and Chile. Even still, a great rivalry in this last game of the Group F stage of women’s world cup play.

Tobin Heath, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019
Tobin Heath, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

Click here for the US Soccer recap of the game. By the time I got to my seat the US was already up 1:0.

Megan Rapinoe, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019
Megan Rapinoe, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

Not sure the referee saw this hold.

Did the Refs See this? USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019
Did the Refs See this? USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

The Swedish fans were coordinated and ready to go.

Swedish Fans Showed Up in Force, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019
Swedish Fans Showed Up in Force, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

We US fans were a bit more rag-tag, but definitely had spirit.

The stadiums were all decorated by FIFA for the event. I honestly felt “Dare to Shine” was a weak slogan, why couldn’t it just be “Shine”? Why did they have to “Dare to”?

Stade Océane dressed for the occasion, Le Havre, June 20, 2019
Stade Océane dressed for the occasion, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

Megan Rapinoe playing keep-away like she does.

Rapinoe doing her thing, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019
Rapinoe doing her thing, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

Rose Lavelle was a magician moving the ball down the field. She finally made a score in the final (spoilers!) after one of her runs downfield. But all these games we saw she’d get the ball to the net from the other end of the field and wouldn’t take the shot.

Rose Lavelle and her magic feet, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019
Rose Lavelle and her magic feet, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

Alyssa Naeher goal kicking.

Alyssa Naeher sending the ball downfield, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019
Alyssa Naeher sending the ball downfield, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

Crystal Dunn’s a hero, she did an amazing job regaining possession over and over.

Crystal Dunn, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019
Crystal Dunn, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

Attendance was always reported on the big screen towards the end of the game. Each game had more and more interest.

Attendance at USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019
Attendance at USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

A wide shot of the field, the blue and wavy architecture of the stadium portrays the harbor status of the city, Le Havre.

Stade Océane, USWNT v Sweden, June 20, 2019
Stade Océane, USWNT v Sweden, June 20, 2019

Handshakes after the game as the audience disperses.

Game Over 2:0, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019
Game Over 2:0, USWNT v Sweden, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

A core part of the USWNT would always huddle like this after a game, after all the hubbub was over.

Post game huddle, USWNT, Le Havre, June 20, 2019
Post game huddle, USWNT, Le Havre, June 20, 2019

With groups of merry US and Swedish fans we walked out, in our case to our rental car to drive back to the hotel. The spirit of the games and the crowds were delightful.

Click through this YouTube video for the official highlights.

The day after this we spent the day touring Le Havre, the most comfortable weather we had all vacation with it’s proximity to the ocean. That’s next.

Click to return to the index of 2019 France Trip Memories.

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2019 France Trip Memories

Taittinger 2019 Women's World Cup Label


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June 19 – Paris City Tour : 2019 France Trip Memories

Women's World Cup posters in Paris, June 19, 2019

First full day in France, took a bus tour. We saw and photographed a lot of the famous landmarks during this tour, but I’m not going to focus on the typical guide book stuff if I can help it. The photos I’m sharing here are more about my impressions of the Paris as we worked our way around.

Paris Bus Tour June 19, 2019
Paris Bus Tour June 19, 2019

Didn’t climb the Arc de Triomphe, but these people did.

Tourists on the Arc de Triomphe, June 19, 2019
Tourists on the Arc de Triomphe, June 19, 2019

Photo from a tour bus of marked off photo line for tourists at the Arc de Triomphe. Paris in a nutshell: tourists, photos, traffic, and more tourists.

Traffic Island for Tourists to Take Photos in front of the Arc de Triomphe, June 19, 2019
Traffic Island for Tourists to Take Photos in front of the Arc de Triomphe, June 19, 2019

One of countless rideshare electric scooters in front of the Eiffel Tower. Definitely ended up using these scooters after a while as it was 95 degrees most of the time making walking and the subway a less attractive way to get around the city.

Eiffel Tower, June 19, 2019
Eiffel Tower, June 19, 2019

Read the names across the top – the Eiffel Tower is a monument to science! I had no idea before this bus tour, somehow that’s not usually highlighted when spoken about.

The Eiffel Tower is a monument to science.
The Eiffel Tower is a monument to science.

The statuary on top of the National Academy of Music is quintessential French. Love it.

Architects sign the buildings in Paris, why doesn’t this happen everywhere? The varied decorative features on the buildings were lovely, couldn’t get enough.

This is one of my favorite photos, people are the same everywhere. Can’t have a cherub in a fountain without turning it into an anarchist with a curly mustache.

Anarchist Cherub Fountain, Paris, June 19, 2019
Anarchist Cherub Fountain, Paris, June 19, 2019

This Ferris wheel was in varied states of construction during our time there.

Assembling the Big Wheel at the Place de la Concorde, June 19, 2019
Assembling the Big Wheel at the Place de la Concorde, June 19, 2019

Mosaic street art dotted the city. Here are two of the many we saw.

This “Religieus” cream puff was gluten free. I think about this cream puff a lot, I’m not gonna lie.

This is Gluten Free, Paris, June 19, 2019
This is Gluten Free, Paris, June 19, 2019

Paris streets as seen from the top of a tour bus.

Support for women’s world cup soccer wasn’t ubiquitous, a few Parisians we spoke to didn’t even know it was going on. But graphic art posters like these were spotted here and there around the city.

Women's World Cup posters in Paris, June 19, 2019
Women’s World Cup posters in Paris, June 19, 2019

We found ourselves speaking to some Scottish soccer fans in a pub, turns out the Scotland team was playing Argentina this night right in Paris. We went onto the FIFA website and got ourselves front row tickets. The stadium wasn’t sold out from lukewarm interest in the game, but we went as a trial run to see how attending these games works so we were savvy for the US games. Turns out we had a great time, that’s my next post.

Click to return to the index of 2019 France Trip Memories.

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June 18 arrival : 2019 France Trip Memories

Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, June 18, 2019

A year ago I took the best vacation ever: to France to watch the women’s world cup soccer matches in different cities across the country, and I am reliving the trip this year by posting memories with photos every day, to document all the great experiences in a travel journal that I didn’t get together last year.

We flew direct Boston to Paris, checked into our hotel which was a little bit away from the city center and the sites. After we rejuvenated with a nap followed by an Indian meal nearby, we jumped directly onto the metropolitan subway to figure out how to make our way around on public transportation. We headed for the center even thought it was late in the day.

Right away we found ourselves at Notre Dame cathedral. It was just two months since the date the building burned. We arrived June 18, 2019; the fire happened April 15, 2019. The area around the cathedral was cordoned off for safety and construction work, including the walkway down next to the river. An abandoned ride share bike, left on the river walkway and covered in ash, can be seen in the photo below. The cathedral looked lovely regardless of its trouble.

Abandoned Bike Share in front of  the recently burned Notre Dame Cathedral, June 18, 2019
Abandoned Bike Share in front of the recently burned Notre Dame Cathedral, June 18, 2019

The gargoyles were still impressive against the sky.

Gargoyles on the recently burned Notre Dame Cathedral, June 18, 2019
Gargoyles on the recently burned Notre Dame Cathedral, June 18, 2019

Tired from our first day of travel we wandered across the river and found the English language bookshop and cafe, Shakespeare and Co. Perfect for a caffeine pick-me-up to get ourselves back to the hotel.

Shakespeare and Co Cafe Paris
The English language bookshop and cafe, Shakespeare and Co. June 18, 2019

Tomorrow is more Paris and our first soccer game experience: Scotland v Argentina. Thanks for following along.

Click to return to the index of 2019 France Trip Memories.