On our last day we visited the Petit Palais Musée des Beaux Arts de la Ville de Paris. So much art to see all over the city. Taking a day in between art outings really helps you take it all in.

The front entry way was lovely, of course.

The Petit Palais has art from many different periods. This art nouveau portrait is “Woman wearing gloves” by Charles-Alexandre Giron.

A book of printing samples.

A delicate brocade wrap.

A behind the scenes painting of a music party.

The CSO had just played the Symphonie fantastique by Berlioz before my trip. I was delighted to see the original score in the museum.
Original Score by Berlioz for Symphonie fantastique, Petit Palais, Paris, June 29, 2019 Original Score by Berlioz for Symphonie fantastique, Petit Palais, Paris, June 29, 2019

This one is so peaceful.

Jean d’Arc est partout.

Art Nouveau furniture.

Outside after the museum, a view of the Eiffel Tower.

In the evening we got last minute tickets to the Assassin’s Creed concert at the Palais Des Congres in Paris. The symphony played over classic Assassin’s Creed gaming video from the various games. The composer came out for a bow at the end. Such a great way for this gamer musician to wrap up vacation.

Thanks for looking at all this. I’m writing this a year after the fact during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, like everyone else we are largely quarantined to quell the spread of the virus. Herd immunity was something I didn’t know we were taking for granted. Hopefully soon science will get us to a place where we can gather in sports arenas, museums, and at musical events again. Be well, everyone.
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