Visit Heather Classen’s fabric shop at Spoonflower.
Surface design work created from Heather’s painting can be used for fabric projects, wallpaper, and all that Spoonflower has to offer.

Visit Heather Classen’s fabric shop at Spoonflower.
Surface design work created from Heather’s painting can be used for fabric projects, wallpaper, and all that Spoonflower has to offer.
The “Hello World” idea is similar to the Minimum Viable Product, “MVP“, for people that know something about marketing, where the learning process involved in getting the first item/program/project/design out into the world takes most of the work. Theory being that once you get this first one done, the rest will follow much easier. I mean, think of all the learning involved with any new thing you’ve tried to do. Procrastination can get the best of you, but giving yourself the one goal to push toward, the “Hello World”, the first product, the first class, etc, you have something achievable and worthwhile.
I started by drawing up a design in Adobe Illustrator.
Getting the repeat right is the crux of the design process. A lot of good information is available on surface design repeats on YouTube.
Once I had my MVP design ready to go I uploaded it, ordered my proof, and waited by my mailbox.
When it arrived I opened up the package and inspected my new fabric, and oh no, a subtle problem: there was a light “aliased” outline on the right and bottom edges of the repeat. It may have been mistaken for wayward white thread if I had left it as it was, but it would bother me not to fix it.
Spoonflower support was very helpful, told me I could edit my file to remove the white outline, re-upload, and release it for publication.
A little Pixelmator, and boom, done.
So now I’m literally in business.
Please leave a comment if you have any experience with Spoonflower, either sewing or designing with it. And please watch this space for more upcoming designs.
Nerd On,